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January 25 Exodus 11-12 & Mark 10:1-16

God’s will be done. I encourage you not to get caught up in a literal historical view of this last plague. Is it history yes, but that is not our concern. Our concern is to see that God will go to extremes to help us. No possibility left undone. Can you see the long view of your life? Can you see how the hand of God has guided you and/or your family? Is it worth honoring God with praise and worship for the good he has offered you? There is a supremely right way to do even this. For the Israelites, it is the Passover Ritual. To be celebrated each year in exactly the say way and lived every day. For us as Catholic Christians, it is the Eucharist (Mass) that we are to celebrate each week and live every day. First and foremost, it is not about what we get out of the Mass, but what we give to God – our best praise and worship. Yes, we are blessed by our participation at Mass and we do receive the grace of God to guide us through the week. But it is our opportunity to choose to join in the Passover sacrifice of Jesus Christ for us. How far will God go to demonstrate his love for us? All the way to the cross. Offer now your own prayer of praise for God’s saving action in your life.

In Mark’s time, hearts are still being hardened to God’s will. God desires for Marriage to be a sign of his unfailing commitment to us. You, as I, no doubt know such couples who mirror the very presence of God in their marriage. At times part of the Church has taken this command of Jesus to a place Jesus did not intend. In our imperfection are we to simply condemn all those who fail to live there commitment – No. Or in fact, more like Christ, are we to guide them to understand and live what it means to be married in Christ - Yes. WE! We have an obligation to help all couples know and live the blessings of marriage. It is not that they have failed, it is we have failed. We are in this boat together. If you are blessed in your married life pray for those, who struggle. If you are struggling in your marriage, know we are praying for you and ready to help. If you are single and open to marriage, do your best to understand before entering Marriage what and why God asks of you as a marriaged couple. If you are single and see this as you state in life – know God’s love for you as you are - ready to serve the Lord in the freedom that comes from single life.

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