March 11 Deut 24-25 & 1 Peter 1:13-25

Some of the Laws of Moses seem quite loving and compassionate, while others seem very patriarchal. This has to do with the bigger picture that alludes me at times. Thank God for the clarity that Jesus and the Gospel writers brought us, the Holy Spirit brings to the Church knowing that God continues to open us to the guidance of the Spirit. May we see with God’s eyes how we are to care for one another.
Under Reverence in 1 Peter 13:17 “Now if you invoke as Father him who judges impartially according to each one’s works. . .” We cannot work our way into heaven, but our works do speak our acceptance of the grace in us that we must put to work because, paraphrasing Paul, it is no longer I that exists, but Christ crucified in me. So, I cannot help but do the works of Christ for all to see.