29 de enero Éxodo 29-30 y Marcos 11: 15-33
El mensaje del Señor a través de Moisés en el Sinaí es entrañable y exigente. "Has visto cómo traté a los egipcios y cómo te cargué con...

January 29 Exodus 29-30 & Mark 11:15-33
The Lord’s message through Moses at Sinai is endearing and demanding. “You have seen how I treated the Egyptians and how I bore you up...

January 28 Exodus 17-18 & Mark 11:1-14
Moses was a good leader. Many leaders are frozen in place. They want and have total control and listen to no one. Moses is looking to...

28 de enero Éxodo 17-18 y Mar. 11,1-14
Moisés es un buen líder. Muchos líderes están congelados en su lugar. Quieren y tienen un control total y no escuchan a nadie. Moisés...

27 de enero Éxodo 15-16 y Mar. 10,35-52
"Moisés y los israelitas cantaron esta canción al SEÑOR". ¿Disfrutas cantando? Algunas personas cantan todo el tiempo, algunas casi...

January 27 Exodus 15-16 & Mark 10:35-52
“Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the LORD.” Do you enjoy singing? Some people sing all the time, some almost never. It is...

January 26 Exodus 13-14 & Mark 10:17-34
Prove it. I can remember as a youth and as a child saying that a lot. Prove it. Trust does not seem to come easy in our world. So many...

January 25 Exodus 11-12 & Mark 10:1-16
God’s will be done. I encourage you not to get caught up in a literal historical view of this last plague. Is it history yes, but that...

January 24 Exodus 9-10 & Mark 9:30-50
Happy Feast Day to all my Parishioners of St. Francis de Sales in Idabel Oklahoma. Are you smarter than a Pharaoh? It really isn’t about...

January 23 Exo. 6:28-8:28 & Mar. 9:14-29
Sometimes we feel less than worthy to relate to others, especially if we believe (wrongly) that the other is greater than us because...