January 20 Exodus 1-2 & Mark 8:1-26

The lengths we go to care for loved ones is inspiring. Moses’ mother and sister risk their lives to give Moses a chance at life. It saddens me when I hear of families that do not talk together and support one another. God works through all of us. We would do well not to work against God by our lack of caring relationships in our family. How are your family relationships? What can you do to deepen the bonds of love God has called you to share?
Mark makes clear the depth of Jesus’ love for all the people. They need to eat. He will not let them go hungry. He satisfies there need. Jesus cares for you. Have you seen his love in-fleshed for your good? Jesus challenged the leaders of his time. He wanted them to see the opportunities they had to extend God’s care. But they had blinders on. They only saw what they wanted to see. Pope Francis is challenging us to see beyond our self-imposed limits. Read a few lines from one of his documents or homilies.