March 17 Jos. 10-14 & 1 PETER 4:12-19
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! God promised the Israelites the land flowing with milk and honey. There was just one problem; there were already people there. They were not a part of the promise. They did not hold in Awe the God of the Israelites. They had to go, all of them. No one left behind. It was God’s will that Israel inherits the land. Even to the point of stopping the movement of the Sun. Again, this is not so much about a historical record as a theological fact. The Israelites did fight and did conquer the land, but what is most important is God said they would, God helped them do it and just don’t mess with the God of Israel. Has there been a time when you sensed God’s help in your life?
Suffering happens to the follower of Christ. What sacrifices have you made on account of your faith in Jesus Christ?