Reading The Bible in One Year

I pray you will find blessings in spending time with God's Holy Word. The scriptures are the principle way God speaks to us. Enjoy your time with God. If you miss a day or several days don't give up! Just mark that page in someway, circling the page number, etc., and read the current date's reading. DON'T GIVE UP!
My reflections are mine. If my thoughts are helpful enjoy them, if not trust your own. I have been blessed to pray and study God's Holy Word for over 37 years. I am still learning. I am not a Scripture scholar and no surprise I am not Jesus. What I offer are thoughts and questions that challenge me and I hope will be helpful to. Know I am praying with you each day and look forward to your reflections. Some of the book of Genesis especially will not seem so holy. I do try to help you through those parts, but remember it is first and foremost a book of faith, so pray to hear what God would have you hear from your reading for YOUR faith journey. God Father, Son and Holy Spirit ARE with you!