January 17 Genesis 40-42 & Mark 6:30-58
Life is troubling, and sometimes it is best that we do not know what is coming or we might just go the other way. Those we may be counting on sometimes let us down. How shall I interpret (understand) my life, my dreams, my hopes, and desires? Like Joseph, we keep moving forward trusting that God is with us, that we will find meaning maybe today, maybe tomorrow or perhaps further down the road, but we keep the faith. Joseph lived this, and he was not disappointed. It did not come easy or quickly for him, but he remained faithful. You are not alone. One way you can know God's support is through our Book of Prayer Intentions in the back of Church near the center aisle. I encourage to not only place names or circumstance you need prayed for, (which you can do anonymously or leave your name) but to take a moment when you come into Church to prayerfully look over the list and then pray for them. We travel this road of faith together.
Have you ever been so busy that you did not have or take time to eat? There is work to be done. The building of the Kingdom demanded attention and effort, yet Jesus said, "enough, you need to rest." YOU need to rest, and yet sometimes there is no time as in this story. We know that Jesus did go off by himself, and he tried here to give the Apostles some space to rest, but not to happen as with you and me at times. One of the classic lines of Scripture is before us today, Mark 6:34 "for they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things." Jesus is our Good Shepherd who wishes to do for us all that will bring us life. Jesus feeds the crowd satisfying there hungry. Jesus offers us with the Bread of Life and the Cup of Salvation every weekend in the Eucharist. Know that Jesus is the Son of God who even can walk on water and lovingly desires is to feed you. What hunger or healing does Jesus need to help you with today?