February 25 Numbers 11-14 & Romans 16
Do you believe the Lord is with us? The Israelites had a difficult time believing. The Lord asks us to trust his ways. That does not mean all suffering and hardship will go away. The path of the Chosen People shows us. Forty years they wandered in the desert. Do you sometimes feel like you are wandering through the desert? Most if not all journeys have some desert time. Trust the Lord to guide you through it. He did not give up on the Israelites he will not give up on you.
Chapter 16 of Romans dovetails nicely with the reading from Numbers, “I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who create dissensions and obstacles, in opposition to the teaching that you learned; avoid them.” Let us not be a source of dissension or be an obstacle to any other person. May the light of Christ shine through us as we work at bringing the Good News to others.